1. Ha. Nailed it mate. Dont forget the shame at the end after seeing what you have eaten and then looking at your high blood sugar for the rest of the day. ?

  2. so true- have been dealing with recovery from a hypo now for two days…BG still high and I have no idea why. So frustrating! You post reminds me to just keep going and trust my body will rebalance.

  3. I feel you, Frank! Just yesterday I suddenly felt irrate and wanted to scream. I realised this was very strange and unreasonable of me so I checked my blood sugar… 3.7. Usually I fix a hypo well with a jelly bean or two… but I kept going and over treated! Ruddy hypos!

  4. Hey Frank I feel your pain! I went through a few hypos when I first got diagnosed and was still getting adjusted to my new low-carb diet. I woke up drenched in sweat in a panic and ran to the kitchen and tested to find my sugars in the 40s!! I squeezed a glucose gel and chugged some orange juice to get back to normal but it was a very scary feeling to feel like you might not make it to the kitchen in time 🙁 thank God I woke up in time to know something was happening. Try to maintain a high-fat, low-carb, high-protein diet and you may find your hypos will go away if you eat 6 times a day. Don’t give up, you’ll get it under control. In the mean time, keep some glucose gel or bars on you at all times, just in case!

    • Thank you! Night time hypos are definitely the worst ones. Like I said, I don’t struggle all the time, I just think that it is important to share some of the low points with diabetes. I do try to balance my carbs with fresh foods as well which definitely helps. Can I ask – won’t a high fat diet cause a delayed blood sugar rise several hours later? How do you manage that?

      • No actually fat causes little to no change in your blood sugar. In fact, it’s the only macronutrient that keeps blood glucose and insulin levels low. Here’s a great TED talk explaining a high-fat diet for diabetics. It really made me think about a few things… I’d love to know your thoughts!


        • Thanks for sharing the link. I have type 1 diabetes, so my body produces no insulin at all to regulate BGLs. Whereas type 2s on that diet would produce insulin to regulate BGLs after eating high fat foods. If I did that I would have to correct myself several hours later.

    • I agree with you here. Not being able to get up to treat a hypo or not knowing in time is the scariest part. Happened with me once, ended in the hospital and had such a guilty feeling like it’s all my fault. But at times it’s not in our control.

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