Just Another “Human” of Diabetes
I was recently invited to guest blog for AkibaH’s Humans of Diabetes campaign.
I’ve written before about how diabetes campaigns here in Australia often overlook people already living with diabetes. One of the things I’ve always tried to convey through this blog is that diabetes hasn’t ever stopped me from living a relatively normal life. And Humans of Diabetes puts faces, personalities and positive messages towards this disease, something that we definitely need to see more of in the media going forward. I love everything that this campaign stands for, and it was a really easy decision for me to participate.
Check out the post I’ve written today over on AkibaH’s blog, where you can find out more about me, my connection to diabetes and my motivations for blogging:
AkibaH have created the world’s first smartphone case glucose meter, which will “arm people with the foresight to know how their everyday decisions impact their health.” There’s also a great visual of the smartphone case glucose meter at akibah.com. Special thanks to Molly for inviting me to contribute!
Disclaimer: I did not receive any compensation for writing this post, and I willingly chose to participate in the Humans of Diabetes blog series.