The moment that I had been longing for, for so many weeks, finally rolled around on Friday afternoon. After I hit the ‘submit’ button on my final exam for the semester, I could finally log out of Blackboard and turn off my laptop with a sunny weekend and six weeks of freedom to look forward to.
On around Tuesday or Wednesday last week, as I was completely zoned out of the conversations that were happening around me, I knew I had well and truly depleted myself.
In some ways, I haven’t really had much of a chance to slow down since this whole pandemic began. I acknowledge just how lucky I am to have a job, and to continue receiving an education. I’m also extremely lucky to be in Western Australia, where our relative isolation and hard border closures against interstate travellers have left us with next to no locally acquired cases in the community.
But this whole situation distracted me big time, nonetheless. Namely reading the news and keeping tabs on what’s happening here, the rest of Australia, and the world. There have been days where I haven’t had it in me to spend time studying in the evenings like I should.
This has ultimately led to me feeling as though I’ve been cooped up inside more than ever during these final weeks of semester, playing catch up and furiously revising for exams. I work indoors for eight hours a day, and then I’ve had to come home and confine myself to my desk for a few more hours revising for my exams. During the shortest days of the year, that feeling of being cooped up is definitely amplified.
During Ascensia’s Social Media Summit I participated in last week, it was suggested that self care and wellness are often promoted as something we should aspire to throughout those picture perfect Instagram feeds. However, the reality is that people with diabetes are often made to feel lesser for looking after themselves – namely during a pandemic.
American advocates shared stories of being ridiculed for choosing to wear masks outside of the house, while in Australia some of us are not feeling ready to venture out as Coronavirus restrictions are being eased.
Life is slowly getting back to normal here in Western Australia, albeit with continued hygiene, social distancing measures and (hopefully) a continued hard border restriction against travel. One way that I’m taking care of myself is reminding myself to slow down.
I’ve got to admit since this whole pandemic began, I’ve envied all of the free time that people around me have seemingly found. I’ve also wanted nothing more than to sleep in, go outside in the middle of the day and watch the midday movie. Well, not the midday movie specifically, but you get my gist.
So, that’s exactly what I plan on making time for in the weeks ahead.
Yoga for Diabetes
Here here and P.S speaking of good series to watch have you seen Money Heist? So so good…hope you have a really good break my friend!
No, but I will check it out. Thanks, Rachel!
Frank, enjoy your well earned rest, you so deserve it. I know you will continue to take care, but now focus on doing things you are able to do and enjoy every moment. All the best from over here in the UK.
Thanks, Jan!
Thanks for your honesty Frank. I think I’m falling into a depression. I can’t seem to stop crying and I’m so irritable. The state we live in the US is not having a dramatic rise so people are very lacks about social distancing, not wearing masks, going to restaurants all of it.
I feel so sad when I have to tell friends I can’t meet them even when they say we’ll meet in a park and stay 6′ away. Then all the posts on social media of families getting together for Father’s Day, graduation parties, etc. I’ve decided I need to stay away from social media for an extended period of time. Then of course my insulin pump basals are needing adjustment due to the warm weather we’re having!
Awww, don’t think I can take another thing happening. One day at a time. It’s all we have so for today I will start by listing 10 things I am grateful for.
You are definitely not alone. I’ve struggled with what I’ve seen online during this pandemic, and there have been times where I’ve had to take breaks to focus on me (and not what other people expect me to do). I hope you’ve got people around you to talk with. Well done for doing what you need to do to take care of you. 🙂
Rick Phillips
Here in lovely downtown Indiana we are having a heck of a good time. Well not so much really. I mean I am installing a cable tray under my desk, and wondering why I decided to this with the hardware of a battle ship in my back. but it beats hanging out in the shopping mall or local ER. Pretty much the same thing really.
Slowing Down – Diabetes Today
[…] The moment that I had been longing for, for so many weeks, finally rolled around on Friday afternoon. After I hit the ‘submit’ button on my final exam for the semester, I could finally log out of Blackboard and turn off my laptop with a sunny weekend and six weeks of freedom to look forward … [Read more…] […]