Happy Easter Monday!
I just wanted to take this opportunity to wish you and your loved ones a very Happy Easter.
I hope that your day was full of chocolate, hot cross buns or anything else that you do to mark this time of the year. Enjoy what’s left of this glorious four day long weekend, and may your blood sugar levels co-operate.
For me, guilt is simply not worth it when it comes to this time of the year. But at the same time, I definitely think that my days of eating until I can no longer move are behind me. I simply don’t enjoy the insomnia, night sweats and rage correcting stubbornly high blood sugar levels long into the night.
The Easter Bunny brought me exactly what I wanted this year. There’s also a bag of Woolworths Cadbury Choc Chip Hot Cross Buns sitting in my freezer. And I may or may not be heading to the shops later to pick up a bit of extra cheap chocolate (medically necessary, of course).
If you haven’t already, be sure to head over to the Dexcom UK & Ireland Facebook page and share your Easter Selfie. For each donation received, they will donate 10 pounds to Spare a Rose which provides insulin and other diabetes supplies to children in need. Have fun!