I’ve recently started freelancing for Diabetes Daily, which means that from time to time I’ll be linking to some of my columns over there.
The topic I am most frequently asked about is the FreeStyle Libre. While my experience with the device has been an extremely positive one, I definitely didn’t hit my strides after my first sensor. Any shake up to your diabetes management is going to be an adjustment. In my first column, I wanted to share some of my tips and tricks for a smoother transition from finger sticks to flash monitoring.
Like the fact that getting out of the shower, or going from a dark room to a bright one, can cause momentary changes in the readings.
Or that higher blood sugars can cause greater variances with a traditional blood glucose meter.
And that I shouldn’t obsess over the small variances, because two blood glucose meters won’t ever produce an identical reading!
You can check out the full column over at Diabetes Daily right here.
(That being said, Your Diabetes May Vary!)
Congrats on getting a new gig at the double D. I hope it goes very well for you.
Thanks, Rick! I’m excited about it.