*blows shortbread crumbs off the keyboard*
Happy New Year!
I can’t help but feel like saying “WE MADE IT!”
We made it to the finish line of 2016, with a New Year and the promise of a fresh start ahead of us.
I hope you had a wonderful festive season, and hopefully some time out to recharge the batteries. With the reality of heading back to work tomorrow starting to sink in, the festive season is well and truly over for another year.
This little corner of the internet also happened to mark its second birthday last week. It’s been two years since I began blogging here at Type 1 Writes, and since I first entered into the fray that is the Diabetes Online Community.
As often as I am thanked for my blog and it’s helpfulness, I’ve needed this space just as much as you. This space started out as the pet project of a university graduate, and I never really knew what would become of it.
I struggled with managing a very demanding and isolating condition that is type 1 diabetes. I wasn’t satisfied with the state of my management, but I lacked the knowledge and motivation to do all of the things that added up half decent blood sugar levels.
The past two years have brought a wave of peer support, knowledge, learning, inspiration, empowerment and “me toos.” Although diabetes is an impossible condition to manage at the best of times, I feel I have a far better idea of how to tame it than I once did.
I really owe it to all of you.
The supportive comments that have come from my blog posts. The conversations that happen on Twitter. The support from people on my own Facebook page who I didn’t think would care less about diabetes. The e-mails that arrive from the contact page on my blog. Your articles and blog posts that provide me with insights and inspiration to apply to my own diabetes management. To those of you who are kind enough to check in when my blog is quiet. To my family at home who I couldn’t have done this, and diabetes, without.
2 years, 313 posts, 1,110 comments, 5,000 odd tweets, 100 or so OzDOC chats, and thousands of coffees later, I can’t thank you enough for the past two years.
Having diabetes absolutely sucks, but you guys make it suck just a little bit less.
Scruffy and I wish you nothing but the best for 2017. Make it a good one, friends.
(P.S. Scruffy, I’m still waiting for that guest post you were going to write for me months ago…)
Cheers to two years!
– Frank
Well done Frank! Happy blogaversary (is that even a word?). You helped me so much when I started to blog and even were brave enough to guide me through twitter! Maureen x
PsThat cake looks amazing!
Thanks, Maureen. Glad I could convert you to Twitter. Happy New Year to you and your family!
Cheers to your 2 years Frank!!!
Good luck getting that guest post. My husband promised me one many years ago….it hasn’t happened yet.
Haha – thanks, Ashleigh!
Happy anniversary and thanks for your valuable insights! Scruffy just has to give us the inside story though!!!!
Thanks, Jayne! Ditto, and I’m hopeful our paths will cross someday.
Congrats on two years Frank. Your blog rocks and scruffy has a new follower in Indiana. My 13 year old cocker spaniel Samantha thinks he is handsome. Or something like that.
Thanks, Rick. Scruffy says hi!