This weekend, I celebrated World Diabetes Day for the first time in the whole five years that I’ve lived with this darn disease.
A great start to a blazing hot World Diabetes Day here in Australia. And #BigBlueTest-worthy, too! #WDD
— Frank (@FrankSita) November 14, 2015
It was my first World Diabetes Day because, prior to this year, I’ve shied away from my diabetes a lot, which you can read about here. Blogging and connecting with others in the Diabetes Online Community this year has given me a great deal of confidence in the condition that I live with. The Diabetes Online Community has sparked a real interest, and a passion for the disease that I live with. So, a big part of World Diabetes Day for me was being able to join this community for a 15 hour Twitter chat and speak up.
@KellyRawlings absolutely. It took me years before I finally embraced my diabetes and didn’t shy away from it #WDDChat15
— Frank (@FrankSita) November 14, 2015
@diabetesalish thanks – its all of YOU peeps in the #doc who inspire me! #WDDChat15
— Frank (@FrankSita) November 14, 2015
#WDDChat15 means that I get to chat with awesome #DOC peeps who I sometimes miss due to time differences.
— Frank (@FrankSita) November 14, 2015
It’s important to come together today to forge lasting connections #WDDChat15
— Frank (@FrankSita) November 14, 2015
I think of all my wonderful #DOC friends. I draw inspiration from them, I receive support at any hour, I admire their enthusiasm #WDDChat15
— Frank (@FrankSita) November 14, 2015
Throughout each hour, a guest host tweeted five questions relating to a particular diabetes topic that we would discuss. There were many thought provoking topics brought up, experiences shared and issues discussed throughout the 15 hours, many of which I’m sure I missed.
It was really great to have one day where the Diabetes Online Community came together to speak, listen, advocate and support each other. I also forged some new connections along the way, some of which I’ll share with you.
First up, Cayla. Cayla is a young college student in the States, and I really admired the enthusiasm that she maintained throughout the chat. At one point I talked about how I would love to fundraise for my Public Hospital Diabetes Clinic, and Cayla told me to go for it. There were many more.
@FrankSita You could try and start a fundraiser or hold an event if this is something you are very passionate about! 🙂 #WDDChat15
— Cayla (@StrongerThanT1D) November 14, 2015
Next up was Kristin. Kristin is the mother of an 11 year old type 1 girl. It was inspiring to hear how Kristin’s daughter leads the diabetes discussions at home, as well as setting the boundaries of what she doesn’t want to talk about. Kristin, I’m sure your daughter has a bright future ahead of her.
Q2 @FrankSita It depends on the person. I often let my kid lead any discussions. Within the family, we talk all aspects #WDDChat15
— KristinT1dmom (@KristinInYYC) November 14, 2015
Next up was Kate. Kate and I found some common ground chatting about how we both find a lot of support from our families and the Diabetes Online Community, but not as many in real life.
I mostly talk about it w/ doc and sometimes my mom. I need more friends in real life who have diabetes so I can talk to them too #WDDChat15
— Kate (@aDoseOfDiabetes) November 14, 2015
I agree with you. I don’t know enough PWDs in real life…that’s where the DOC comes in handy though! #WDDChat15
— Frank (@FrankSita) November 14, 2015
Then there was Karen, who has lived with type 1 diabetes for 49 years. Karen told me that she didn’t feel that a lot of people understood her diabetes. Karen, I’ve felt exactly the same way many times in the past.
Q2 I don't talk about diabetes even close family don't understsnd the intensity of the disease and they never will #WDDChat15
— Karen (@karend1) November 14, 2015
I know exactly how you feel. But I’m sure they’re prepared to listen if you ever want to…#WDDChat15
— Frank (@FrankSita) November 14, 2015
Finally, hats off to Chris for a marathon effort for the whole 15 hours of chat.
My name is Chris. I have type 1 and I've been here since 7 am. My diabetes hasn't taken a break since 2004 so why should I? #WDDChat15 #dsma
— Chris Stocker (@LifeofaDiabetic) November 14, 2015
We’ve actually been following each other for a while, but we haven’t really chatted before. Chris is a freelance writer and owns his own SEO business.
@LifeofaDiabetic awesome…that makes you the first SEO person I know who isn't a spammer…#WDDChat15
— Frank (@FrankSita) November 15, 2015
We had a good laugh at the fact that both of our respective school teachers hated our writing, and yet now it is a significant part of each of our lives. You can also check out Chris’ blog, The Life of a Diabetic.
My year 12 English teacher put me in a "C" box. If only she could see my blog and advocacy today #WDDChat15
— Frank (@FrankSita) November 15, 2015
Haha I say that all the time. My freshman teacher hated my writing. Well it is my career now #WDDChat15 #dsma
— Chris Stocker (@LifeofaDiabetic) November 15, 2015
If the sense of diabetes community is something that appeals to you, I strongly encourage you to create a Twitter account. People in the Diabetes Online Community are very friendly, and there’s always somebody around to help you day or night. The diabetes community also comes together every Wednesday night from 9-10pm ET (US) to chat, and you can join in by following the #DSMA hashtag.
Thanks again to all of you who joined in and made my first World Diabetes Day a bright one!