I was diagnosed with type 1 diabetes at an age where I was able to manage it on my own. I’ve always wondered how much my parents actually think about diabetes, since I don’t like to burden them with too many of the details. My Mum has kindly written a guest post today to answer that burning question.
We are so proud of you Frank, that you manage your diabetes yourself. I must admit, in the beginning when we were learning about type 1, I didn’t know how you would cope. I myself found all of the information given to us mind blowing. There was just so much to take in.
So, fast forward five years and you ask the question, how much do your parents think about diabetes. Obviously, over time, the focus has changed. You have proved that you can manage your diabetes yourself, so that element is a relief for us. But we never stop worrying. Just knowing that you could black out if you went too low is always at the back of my mind. I am so relieved that I have never had to use that glucagon kit that we have in case of emergency.
We worry when you are out by yourself, especially since you don’t like wearing your bracelet. You wouldn’t believe our sighs of relief when you returned from the apartment after doing the BridgeClimb that night in Sydney. We know that you don’t want to burden us with your diabetes, so we try to act calm even when we are worried silly. When we hear noises coming from your room in the middle of the night, we would love to come in just to see that you are okay. We know that you wouldn’t like that, but hope that you will let us know if you ever need help.
We notice everything. When you don’t have breakfast in the morning, when you don’t eat all of your lunch at work and the times where you don’t eat much at all. We notice when you are grumpy and don’t want to talk, when you eat heaps of sweets and junk food, and when you look tired or unwell. Living in the same house, we know when you are checking your levels. We see you giving your insulin. We even notice the boxes in the fridge! I even feel guilty that we can just have a piece of chocolate in front of the TV without giving it a second thought, whereas you have to decide whether you are going to have it or not.
I talk to my friends about diabetes. I try to explain it to them. Most people, like we used to, know nothing about type 1 diabetes. Living with someone who has type 1 diabetes has made us more aware of the foods we eat and our lifestyle. Especially sugar and fat rich foods and recipes. Whenever someone in the family is sick, I make sure there are no diabetes symptoms. Any one of us could get diabetes. I’m very conscious of type 2 diabetes as well. So many people have it and it can be avoided!
Reading your blog has been great and I can see a difference in you. Connecting with people going through what you go through every day has made you more open and confident. It’s good to see you taking an interest in diabetes and not shying away from it.
Diabetes has become part of our lives. We don’t realise it, but “it’s there.” We have become diabetes aware. Whenever anything is reported in the media relating to diabetes, we take notice. Who can think of Sir Charles Gardiner Hospital without thinking of the wonderful Diabetes Clinic there. We know when it’s National Diabetes Week. There’s the NDSS. The Run For A Reason supports diabetes. We take notice of celebrities and sportsmen who have diabetes. We read your Diabetes WA newsletters that are sent to our e-mail. We hear of all the research that is being done into diabetes and we always hope that a cure might be possible in the future.
We are always thankful and happy that you will be able to live a normal life, and that we live in a country where we have access to doctors, hospitals and good health care. Even though we don’t have diabetes ourselves, we like to think you consider us supportive. You may not think we understand, but if you don’t include us with what is happening then it is more difficult for us. We are here sharing the journey with you in our own way whether you like it or not, whether you include us or not. Don’t ever forget that.
Nicely said, Mom! What a great idea for a guest post. We love Frank!
I think my mom would totally agree with you. I have had type1diabetes since I was 16 when I moved out at 22 she wanted to follow me, sure that i something would happen and I wouldn’t get to the hospital on time. Even today she worries…
thanks so much for sharing this post Franks mom! I was diagnosed as an adult, my parents are far away, but my partner supports me every day. Its hard for my parents to understand what i go through so to read your blog means a great deal. Thank you