1. I understand how challenging it is to have to be so disciplined but its cool that you allow yourself the freedom to do what you feel like. Otherwise we go crazy! I certainly do…for me though its almonds 🙂 go figure

    • I find it hilarious that you binge on almonds…I need to do stuff that makes me feel normal sometimes. Have a great weekend, Rachel 🙂

  2. Yep. Once you’ve had one “junk” food choice then why not…

    Maybe something that could help would be to use agave sweetner in your coffee. It tastes much better than the artificial choices and, in moderation, doesn’t have the same quick rise in blood sugar. Stevia isn’t half bad either (especially since you’re used to Equal) although you have to read labels to make sure it is pure stevia. Stevia has the added benefit of not raising sugar levels at all. It can actually have the opposite effect if you’re not careful. I used to make chocolate out of unsweetened coconut flakes and unsweetened coco and stevia liquid but if I ate too much I would tend to go low.

    I like the name of that chocolate bar – Marvelous Creations. 🙂

    • Thanks for the tip! When I’m at coffee shops its just easier to order Cappucino with 2 sugars instead of adding sweetener myself (just me being lazy). And you have to try Marvellous Creations if you can get your hands on one – its got jelly and crunchy bits inside that pop and crackle in your mouth…

      • No, I get that. When you go to the coffee shop for a treat, you don’t want to have to make it yourself. Otherwise you’d just bring it from home and save the extra expense anyway. Our local Starbucks carries agave so I can order my tea latte with that. I love the smell of coffee but don’t often have it. I used to order their Carmel Macchiato but now that I can bolus for them I find them too sweet for my taste. I’ll have to look for the marvelous creations.

        • That’s really good that Starbucks carries Agave – I wish we had more of those options here. Yeah, you have to try it if you can – its a line of Cadbury chocolate if that helps 🙂

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