1. I completely understand those superpowers! I swear when I wake up in the middle of the night I go into “survival” mode to find my tester to make sure I’m not too high or too low. Though, I may come off a little crazy when doing so. Great post, and I look forward to following your blog!

  2. The best superpower I’ve acquired is two-fold. My Dexcom (for day and night vigilance) and my Omnipod (for adjustable basal and calculations for all of those boluses). I can relate to the not wanting to bother people with the sights of testing and shots. The pump eliminates the shots in public. As for the testing, well, I’ve come to realize that there aren’t that many observant people. I was a little conscience about wearing my pump on my arm to my son’s field trip because it was a hot short sleeve kind of day. I didn’t get one comment or question. And it’s painted bright green with burgundy flowers on it.

    • Yeah, I’ve heard so many good things about Dexcom from other bloggers. I’m just worried that I might spend too much time over-analysing the numbers if I had it. And that’s so true about others not noticing – I think we worry ourselves more than we need to!

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