1. Jessica Marshall

    12 years ago when I was diagnosed with diabetes I didn’t know how much of an impact it would have on my life…

    I’d pay over $5000/year in supply costs.. I was worried sick my children may not develop normally, I’d always be worrying about the possible future complications.. I’d find it hard to stay motivated to continue treatment.

    My friend told me about a Doctor she saw on Oprah.. she said the Doctor created a program on how to reverse diabetes, I found it at http://goawaydiabetes.org I am frickin tired of worrying plus syringes, pens, lancets, pump sets, blood work, iv’s so I’m currently giving it a try…

    My fasting blood sugars were 230-250 range, three weeks after following the program I’m in the 120s.. I’m hoping to get into the 70s and stay there for good.

    Everything is coming into normal ranges but I think I’ll always be diabetic for life. If I don’t follow the protocol I’ll go back to my old numbers right?

    • There is NO cure for diabetes. I strongly suggest you go and see a real doctor if you believe otherwise. I am managing just fine with a good diet, insulin and a positive attitude thankyou very much.

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