1. Great recap of the week and I can tell that I have a lot of reading left to do. So nice to have “met” you, Frank, and I predict a great future for your blog. One thing you did quite admirably this week was make connections by reading and commenting on other blogs. As a new blogger, there is no better way for you to gain exposure for your blog. I’ve only been blogging for two years, but I have a special closeness to some other people who started writing at about the same time and we commented back and forth.

    • Thankyou so much Laddie for all the positive comments over the week, it was great to “meet” you too. Yes, d-Blog Week has certainly been a very valuable experience to me as a new blogger, and I’m so glad I was able to be a part of it. The future certainly looks promising, but today I’m just glad to be able to have a break!

  2. I’m glad you participated, it was nice to “meet” you. Great recap and I’m glad you were able to learn a lot-I would be lost without my pump and CGM! Look forward to reading more from you!

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