1. Wow!!! I found your diagnosis story really fascinating – thank you so much for sharing. (I was diagnosed so long ago I don’t really remember so I’m always interested to read accounts from people who can recall the details.) Congratulations on five years and thanks for sharing your story.

    • My pleasure Karen and thanks so much for reading! I’ve never really given much thought to other diagnosis stories but I suppose mine would be a little more unusual than most. Look forward to participating in dblog week.

      • Kim

        Hi Frank, thanks for sharing your story. I was researching type 1 online and came across your posts. I was wondering if I could chat to you via email?

  2. Lynnard Denton

    I enjoy reading about how you deal with your diabetes. I was diagnosed 55 years ago and have had many ups and downs along the way.

    When I was diagnosed the doctor gave me a vial of insulin, a large glass syringe and a large needle. Also a test tube to put urine in then drop a pill in. The urine turned a certain color depending on my blood sugar level. The color determined how much insulin I was to take. I was first in line when smaller needles became available.

    Things are much easier today but still complicated. The Omnipod pump is the best thing that I could ask for. I can’t remember the last really low blood sugar I have had. I still have highs of course. My dear wife and daughter-in-law help me stay on track.

    The greatest setback we have experienced was our younger son having diabetes. he was studying to be an architect when he experienced a bad low and drove his car head-on into another car killing its driver and himself.

    Anyway best wishes for you continuing to share your experiences!

    Lynnard Denton
    Mansfield Texas USA

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